The city of Berlin.
We turn collecting dog poo into a game.

Streets in big cities are full of dog poo - but people still ignore
the dog bags provided. That’s why walking through big cities sometimes feels like walking through a mine-field.

Let's take Berlin as an example. 55 tons of dog poo are left on the street every day. That's enough to pave 4,5 soccer fields.

Poo Lotto is the solution and turns collecting poo into a game.
Fun for everyone.

How does it work?

1. A heat sensitive number is printed on every dog bag, it appears when it's warmed by the poo.
2. Take a picture of your bag and send it to PooLotto.
3. We draw the winning numbers at the end of every week.
The winner gets the Jackpot and a poo-free city.

Credits: Miami Ad School Berlin
Team: Ilya Malyanov (AD), Christian Feist(CW)
› Winner - Applied Arts Award 2011
› Gold - Clios 2011
› Bronze - German ADC 2011
› Finalist at the Bees Awards 2010 (Best Student Work)